
On August 23rd, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Danielle Morrill strung together 51 useful tweets for founders hoping to raising money in Silicon Valley.

This kind of multi-tweet, semi-structured stream of consciousness is called a “Tweetstorm” and Danielle’s was packed with advice and fun to read.

Inspired by Danielle’s advice for those hoping to raise venture capital, six days later on August 29th, I did my own tweetstorm of crowdfunding advice for people hoping to learn more about crowdfunding and raise money for their project.

It’s not meant to be a comprehensive how-to on crowdfunding (if you’re interested in that, attend this free crowdfunding mini-class) but I tried to address the questions I hear often and some common misconceptions about crowdfunding.

You can read each of my 55 tweets, in order, below.


What do you think about the tweetstorm format? Would you like to see more crowdfunding advice like this?

  • Marsha from

    This is ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. Sending everyone I know here.

    • Clay Hebert

      Thanks, Marsha!

  • Mark Berg

    Great collection, thanks for sharing multiple views on crowdfunding strategies.

    In funding, some strategies are important to manifest the campaign unique, for that, fundraiser ought to follow some expert’s strides for the success. Refer this blog briefly compiled the top most crowdfunding tips to reach a wide audience.